Every school year I am on the hunt for affordable and cute end-of-year teacher gifts. With four kiddos, and so many wonderful teachers in our lives, I always try to go the extra mile to make sure that what we give them is practical and also fun! They deserve it! This year, I was inspired by browsing my favorite store, Target, when I saw these super cute First Aid Kits. And extra bonus, they were FREE with the purchase of 3 first aid items. I quickly snagged one as a gift and filled it with Band Aids, Neosporin, and Benadryl to get the bag for free. Since then, I’ve gone back for several more and each time, the total cost of the gift has been $15 or less! And because you know I love a good printable, here is a tag you can print out to use as a label for your gift that says “Thank you for helping me SURVIVE Kindergarten”. I’ve also included a blank one (scroll down) in case you’d like to use this for a different grade level or heck, even for a swim or dance teacher. Enjoy!